Product Description
Power plants that use natural water sources for cooling often require the main condenser water boxes to be primed to reduce circ water pump horsepower, and to remove air that comes out of solution as the water heats up going through the tubes, tending to accumulate in the top of the water boxes with negative consequences to condenser performance.
A typical waterbox priming system consists of two liquid ring vacuum pumps mounted on a vacuum control tank which serves to modulate cycling of the pumps during continuous air removal duty. Both pumps are sized to prime the condenser tubeside and lift circ water to the top of the waterboxes before the circ water pumps are started. Once initial prime is obtained, the system automatically goes into ‘normal’ service, where vacuum in the control tank is maintained by alternating pump operation as air is removed from the top of the waterboxes. Priming valves mounted on the top of each waterbox release air while preventing circ water from getting into the priming system. MVT offers a complete line of tank mounted duplex waterbox priming systems designed for typical modern combined cycle condenser installations.
We provide custom designed systems for larger condensers and unusual installation requirements. Each system is complete with automatic controls for local and/or remote operation. We also provide priming valves (suitable for seawater service) and all required accessories. Options are available for air cooling where a convenient source of cooling water is not available and complete control systems with motor starters for remote installation locations.
Key Features & Benefits
Key features and benefits of MVT waterbox priming systems are:
- Full range of capacities available for any main condenser priming requirement.
- Comprehensive F.A.T. (factory testing) to insure proper operation at the plant.
- Compliance with typical industry standards such as ASME, ANSI, PED, CRN, etc.
- Innovative package designs, with single point customer connections for all process and utility requirements.
- Comprehensive instrumentation suite for DCS monitoring of system performance.
- Rugged designs with material suitable for raw water and seawater service.
- Typical Power Industry quality component suppliers, with ASME code qualified welding throughout.
- Comprehensive field service and support program.
- Industry leading 3 year warranty.